This press kit provides key background information on how to represent the PanAfGeo-2 project in the press and other external communications. For more detailed information or if you have any questions, please contact

All external communications should include the following:




Below are three descriptions of the PanAfGeo-2 project.  One of these must be used in your media release to accurately communicate the work of PanAfGeo-2.

Single Line

  • PanAfGeo-2 supports the professional skills of geoscientific staff from African Geological Surveys through innovative training programmes. The enhanced skills of the trainees will allow for a more effective and knowledgeable host organisation which can support local, national, regional and international missions. For example, the Organisation of African Geological Surveys and African Geological Surveys support national, regional and international policy making and subsequently, the promoting of sustainable resource management and tackling of climate change can be enhanced at numerous levels.
  • PanAfGeo-2 is central in building a strong and broad ranged collaboration between EuroGeoSurveys and the Organisation of African Geological Surveys.


Short Paragraph

PanAfGeo-2 focuses on providing Pan-African training programmes in a variety of geoscientific fields implemented by the Geological Surveys of Europe, the African Geological Surveys and their representative organisations. PanAfGeo-2 is an EU-Commission part-funded project to support African geoscientific organisations, governmental bodies and research centres. The project aims to increase African-owned geoscientific and technical knowledge, enabling a sustainable mineral resource industry and the prevention and mitigation of natural geohazards.

Detailed Paragraph

Pan-African Support to Geological Sciences and Technology Africa-EU Partnership (PanAfGeo-2) is a coordinated project by the Organisation of African Geological Surveys (OAGS), the African Geological Surveys, EuroGeoSurveys and the European Geological Surveys and is part-funded by the European Commission (Directorate-General of International Partnerships, DG INTPA). The project is committed to supporting the OAGS and its member organisations as well as relevant governmental bodies such as mining authorities and geological research bodies (e.g., universities, research centres).

The PanAfGeo-2 project actions are based on the implementation of training in different geoscientific fields through various formats (field work, face-to-face sessions, and in-work examples). These support the sustainable management and governance of geological resources and natural hazard prevention and mitigation. By involving leading African geoscientists throughout the project, the training strengthens  geoscientific management and policy at a national, continental and international level. This in turn boosts national capacity building and Africa-EU synergies.




Benefits to African Geoscientists

  • Access to professional skills training through our innovative training programme
  • Access to national and international collaborative learning and research
  • Ability to acquire state-of-the-art tools, methods and experienced knowledge in a variety of geoscientific skills

Benefits to Global Research and Education

  • Sharing of knowledge, ideas, data, and skills on a global level
  • Creation of a communications network to raise awareness of the importance of collaboration on actionable issues and to support extended opportunities for research and education




PanAfGeo-2 will support professional skill strengthening of the African Geological Surveys staff as well as providing geoscientific support to other geological organisations, government bodies and research associations.

  • Trainees develop new skills from the geoscientific fields of geoscientific mapping, artisanal and small-scale mining (ASSM), geohazards and environmental management of mines, geoheritage and geothermal energy, georesources governance and geoscientific information management, which are then implemented in their host organisations.

  • The enhanced skills of the trainees will allow for a more effective and knowledgeable host organisation which can support local, national, regional and international missions. For example, the Organisation of African Geological Surveys and African Geological Surveys support national, regional and international policy making and subsequently, the promoting of sustainable resource management and tackling of climate change can be enhanced at numerous levels.

  • PanAfGeo-2 is central in building a strong and broad ranged collaboration between EuroGeoSurveys and the Organisation of African Geological Surveys.




PanAfGeo-2 builds on the foundation created by the by PanAfGeo-1 (2016–2019) project, which strengthened the governance and sustainable use of African mineral resources and related infrastructures and reinforced skills of African geoscientists.

During the first phase, PanAfGeo-1 worked with 1,068 geoscientists from 49 African countries, an unprecedented endeavour for similar geoscience projects in Africa. 42 training sessions hosted by 16 African countries were carried out, encompassing all main skills required by African Geological Surveys, in particular; geoscientific mapping, mineral resources and geoscientific information management. PanAfGeo-1 training sessions were conducted by 150 African trainers and 70 European trainers.