PanAfGeo-1 Results

Launched in December 2016, PanAfGeo is a project which supports the training of geoscientific staff from African Geological Surveys. Cofunded by the European Union and a Consortium of 12 European Geological Surveys, PanAfGeo aims to improve and to reinforce the skills of African geoscientists. This unprecedented programme led by African and European experts aims to improve the governance and sustainable use of African mineral resources and related infrastructures. It is also a good opportunity to sensibilise on geohazards and geoheritage. PanAfGeo reinforce the capacity of the Organisation of African Geological Surveys (OAGS).

General brochures
PanAfGeo Final meeting – Interview with Mr. Jose Correia Nunes

You can find here the PanAfGeo-1 pictures:

ASM Handbooks
PanAfGeo-1 news archives

You can find all the PanAfGeo-1 news archives HERE.

PanAfGeo-1 press release archives

You can find all the PanAfGeo-1 press release archives HERE.