Successful WP-G Session on 3D Multilayer Geological Modeling in Dakar, Senegal
The latest session of the PanAfGeo project, titled “Modélisation géologique 3D multicouche par approche géostatistique,” was successfully concluded in Dakar,
Media coverage
The latest session of the PanAfGeo project, titled “Modélisation géologique 3D multicouche par approche géostatistique,” was successfully concluded in Dakar,
The PanAfGeo2’s “WP-G – Gestão de Informação Geocientífica” training session organised in Cape Verde has commenced with a vibrant ceremony
The recent Field Geoscientific Mapping training session held in Entebbe and Kabale areas of Uganda from 27th February to 26th
The third WP-B training session took place in Kitwe, Zambia from 11-21 March 2024. 21 participants from 12 African English-speaking
In a decade-long commitment to fostering geological expertise in Africa, the Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute (PGI-NRI) has played a
The PanAfGeo-2 mid-term meeting, held in Congo Brazzaville from May 15th to 16th, 2023, has garnered substantial media coverage, drawing
PanAfGeo2 has commenced its Geoscientific Information Management (WP-G) training session in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo. The training aims to equip
The Geohazards & Environmental Management of Mines (WPE) training session in Moanda, Gabon kicked off with a successful start from
The PanAfGeo Project, which is aimed at strengthening the capacity of African Geological Surveys, has achieved remarkable success in Phase
The WP-B delivered its first training session in Portuguese from 20-30 November 2022 in Lubango, Angola. It brought together 27
The opening ceremony of the PanAfGeo-2 training session on Geoinformation Management (WP G) “Sessão de Formação WP-G – Gestão de
The closing ceremony of the PanAfGeo-2 training session on Geoheritage (WP D) received substantial media coverage. The Geoheritage training session
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