The WP-B delivered its first training session in Portuguese from 20-30 November 2022 in Lubango, Angola. It brought together 27 participants from five African Portuguese-speaking countries, i.e. Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Cabo Verde and São Tomé & Principe, from PALOP (Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa).
The ten-day training was organized as classroom-type sessions lectures, field visits, equipment demonstrations and laboratory tests. A morning visit was made to an ornamental anorthosite quarry (Black Angola granite), the Metarochas quarry in the exploration nucleus of Tchiquatite (Huíla). This is the main area where this rock, known worldwide, is explored. The training also included practical cases of mineral resources exploration techniques with equipment demonstration, such as: portable XRF and the advantages of using it in an early phase of mineral exploration, and how to read the data produced.
Click here to view/download the training session report.
The training session pictures are available here.
View the online news reports here: