Successful WP-G Session on 3D Multilayer Geological Modeling in Dakar, Senegal


The latest session of the PanAfGeo project, titled “Modélisation géologique 3D multicouche par approche géostatistique,” was successfully concluded in Dakar, Senegal. The ceremony marked the end of a comprehensive 10-day training program held from July 1 – 12th, 2024.

Hosted by the Service Géologique National du Sénégal (SGNS), the session attracted 16 dedicated trainees, including 12 men and 4 women, from nine French-speaking African countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea, Niger, and Senegal.

Opening Ceremony:

The opening ceremony was graced by prominent figures in the field:

  • Dr. Nicolas CLAUSOLLES, Specialist in 3D Geological Modeling from BRGM-Service Géologique National de la France.
  • Dr. Rokhaya SAMBA DIENE, Director General of SGNS-Service Géologique National du Sénégal.
  • Mr. Simon VANDEN BROEKE, Team Leader for Connectivity and Sustainable Investment from the Delegation of the European Union to Senegal.

Closing Ceremony:

The closing ceremony took place on Friday, July 12th, 2024, in Dakar, Senegal, and was attended by:

  • Dr. Rokhaya SAMBA DIENE, Director General of SGNS-Service Géologique National du Sénégal.
  • Mr. Moncef MEDDEB, Attaché for Scientific and University Cooperation at the French Embassy in Senegal.
  • Mr. Meissa DIAKHATE, Director of the Minister’s Office for Energy, Petroleum, and Mines.


The highlight of the closing ceremony was the presentation of the trainees’ “Return-to-Work Projects.” These projects encompassed a diverse range of objectives, from 3D modeling of phosphate-rich geological layers to the reprocessing and quality control of exploration data provided by mining companies. These projects are scheduled to be implemented over the next six months, with a follow-up webinar planned for mid-January 2025 to review the results, successes, and challenges encountered.

The pictures from the training session are available here.

For more details, check out:

  1. News report (Dakaractu), click here
  2. News report (Top News), click here
  3. News article (Lequotidien), click here
  4. News report (Lequotidien), click here
  5. News report (Lequotidien), click here

Video coverages:

Video Coverage (APS – Agence de Presse Sénégalaise):

Video Coverage (RTS-Radio Télévision Sénégalaise): Closing Ceremony

Video Coverage (Dakaractu TV): Opening Ceremony

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