InfoPoint Lunchtime conference:
PanAfGeo: an unprecedented pan-African training programme
On the 31st March 2017 the European Commission DG DEVCO (Development and Cooperation) hosted the conference “PanAfGeo: an unprecedented pan-African training programme” at the External Cooperation INFOPOINT. The Conference was opened by Ms Dobiasova, External Cooperation Officer at DG DEVCO, who presented the importance of the PanAfGeo project in the more global context of Africa-EU partnership. PanAfGeo is co-funded under the Pan-African Programme, the main EU financial instrument supporting projects at continental level. The innovation represented by the Pan-African Programme is in the spirit of cooperation, looking at win-win projects strengthening both continents, such PanAfGeo.
Mr Jean-Claude Guillaneau, PanAfGeo Coordinator from the French Geological Survey (BRGM), introduced the PanAfGeo programme and explained all its unique features. PanAfGeo required 4 years of preparation, from a feasibility study to a complete, innovative training programme in geosciences covering 54 African countries. The programme is led by European and African Geological Surveys, and therefore combines the variety of European Surveys to the variety of African Surveys, making this an unique training offer. The African geologists that will be attending the PanAfGeo trainings will also have the possibility, in several cases, to experience field work. This is a remarkable added value of the programme as often the Surveys do not have the necessary equipment or resources to go in the field, although this is a fundamental aspect of the job. PanAfGeo will cover all costs of the trainees, from the travel to hotel expenses.
The project will empower the Organization of the African Geological Surveys (OAGS) and it is expected to make a difference in mineral resources governance. This is one of the reasons the African Mining Vision (AMV) gave full support to PanAfGeo at the 35th International Geological Congress held in Cape Town in 2016, as well as other international partners such as UNECA, UNESCO, UNDP.