PanAfGeo-2 Field Geoscientific Mapping Leaflet


The PanAfGeo-2 Project Field Geoscientific Mapping (WP-A) leaflet illustrates the planned activities, objectives, and an overview of the upcoming training sessions. The leaflet also presents the result of PanAfGeo-1. Click here to view/download the PanAfGeo-2 Field Geoscientific Mapping leaflet.

About PanAfGeo-2:

The PanAfGeo-2 allows trainees to acquire state-of-the-art tools, methods and experienced knowledge in 8 geoscientific skills. The project supports the training of geoscientific staff from African Geological Surveys through the diversity of innovative training methods. The project will embrace the acquisition and development of the professional skills that complement the participants’ technical qualifications, under the guidance of African and European geoscientists with an extensive international experience. For more information.

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