
The General Assembly (GA) is the ultimate decision-making and conciliation body for the European and African partners; it debates and decides upon proposals from the Management Committee; it discusses issues with the project patrners’ contributions or of common interest to all contributors.

The chair of the GA is held by the French Geological Survey (BRGM) as Coordinator and the GA is composed of representatives from all PanAfGeo-2 partners:

  • European Work Package (WP) Leaders, Coordinators and partners pertaining to the Consortium
  • EuroGeoSurveys (EGS) President and Secretary General
  • African partners from Organisation of African Geological Surveys (OAGS) (WP-Co-Leaders and/or Deputy Co-Leaders)
  • OAGS President, General Secretary and Assistant General Secretary
  • European Commission representatives


The Management Committee (MC) steers the project and its execution; oversees and makes decisions which have significant implications regarding the work plan or budget; resolves conflicts arising within the team or resulting from the outcomes or proposed decisions of the MC. The MC is composed of President of EGS, President of OAGS, EGS Secretariat, OAGS Secretariat, Project Coordination team from BRGM, European WP-Leaders and African WP-Co-Leaders and/or Deputy Co-Leaders, and Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG-INTPA) representatives.

The Advisory Board (AB) is a consulting body of senior experts and is present in GA meetings; has the necessary expertise and knowledge to ensure that project implementation complies with up-to-the- minute best-practice principles.

Members of the PanAfGeo-2 Advisory Board:

Pr. Félix Toteu

African Geoscientific Expert –
PanAfGeo Advisory Board President


Pr. Aberra Mogessie

African Geoscientific Expert –
PanAfGeo Advisory Board Vice-President

Mr. Ibrahim Shaddad

African Minerals and Geosciences Centre (AMGC) –
Director General

Dr. Ozlem Adiyaman Lopes

The United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) –
Senior Programme Manager

Mrs. Antje Hagemann

Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) –
Project Coordinator Africa

Louis Maréchal

Mr. Louis Maréchal

Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD) –
Chief of sector Minerals & Extractives

Frank Dixon Mugyenyi

Mr. Frank Dixon Mugyenyi

Minerals Africa Development Institution (MADI) –
Chairman of the Board

Gbenga Okunlola_GSAF

Pr. Gbenga Okunlola

Geological Society of Africa (GSAf) –

Sven Renner

Dr. Sven Renner          

World Bank – Programme Manager
for the World Bank’s Extractives Global Programmatic Support (EGPS)

John Ludden

Pr. John Ludden

International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) – President

Joseph Mankelow

Dr. Joseph Mankelow

British Geological Survey (BGS) – Team Leader for Mineral Resource Security and Flows

Ezzoura Errami

Mrs. Ezzoura Errami

African Association of Women in Geoscience (AAWG) – Founder Multidisciplinary faculty of Safi-Cadi Ayyad University

Thibedi Ramontja_Mintek

Dr. Thibedi Ramontja

Chairperson of Mintek, South Africa