WP-C  –  Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining

Training sessions for ASSM cover several main topics:
  • The key terms of mineral exploration
  • The key environmental legislation and issues
  • Socio-economics of ASSM
  • Occupational health & safety issues related to ASSM
  • The different types of methods involved in mineral processing
  • The obligation towards the Geological Survey and the Ministry of Mines
  • Awareness of issues related to business planning for ASSM
  • Ideally, each trainee will prepare and present a Return-to-Work project. The project would be the short-term (6-12 months) application of their newly acquired skills to an area of interest to their own Geological Survey e.g. national framework for ASSM, applied ASSM mineral processing, etc
WP-C aims to fulfil the overall and specific objectives by:
  • Training the participants to be trainers for ASSM operators in their countries
  • Increasing knowledge within the ASSM domain of the WP-C topics so that African Geological Surveys can better support, improve and control the conditions in local artisan communities
  • Emphasising social sustainability in relation to safety, child & women labour exploitation, gender equality and community development
  • Selecting new trainees (who were not participants in PanAfGeo1) from African Geological Surveys, ASSM departments, environmental departments, mines inspectors from national Ministries of Mines, and central or provincial environmental authorities
  • Providing training materials consensually prepared by European and African experts and discussed during the session by all trainees
  • Providing opportunities for dialogue and networking between all participants, trainees and trainers, Europeans and Africans, building relationships at individual, national and continental levels

WP-C is led by GEUS (Denmark) with technical and scientific assistance and expertise from an external consulting agency, LNEG (Portugal), and BRGM (France) and African Geological Surveys.

Thomas Roed-Thorsen
The Geological Survey of Denmark
and Greenland (GEUS)