WP-E  –  Geohazards & Environmental Management of Mines

Training sessions for geohazards cover several main topics:
  • The vast range of natural geological and environmental hazards which exist in Africa including earthquakes, volcanic activity, floods, soil erosion/desertification, sink holes and coastal erosion
  • The even wider range of geohazards that are created by human activities, especially intense mining.  Hazards such as pollution of aquifers & the surface environment, heavy metal contamination, acid mine drainage, subsidence, change of landscape, spontaneous ignition of underground coal, mining induced karst sinkholes etc
  • Theoretical and practical training on identifying, assessing and mitigating both natural and anthropogenic geohazards
  • The increasing importance of research into new methods of prevention and mitigation of these hazards due to increased population, urbanisation, exploitation of mineral resources and climate change phenomena (extreme weather events and rising sea levels)
  • Methodologies and standard practices adopted in the EU and international projects; improving the ability of African Geological Surveys to liaise with multinational agencies.
  • Ideally, each trainee will prepare and present a Return-to-Work project. The project would be the short-term (6-12 months) application of their newly acquired skills to an area of interest to their own Geological Survey e.g. a national geohazards program, prevention and mitigation plans for a specific site etc
WP-E aims to fulfil the overall and specific objectives by::
  • Equipping African Geological Surveys with additional knowledge, skills and training to increase their ability to protect their populations from geohazards
  • Creating African expert groups to initiate institutional strengthening so that they can provide national and local authorities and stakeholders with useful tools for the recognition, assessment and mitigation of natural and man-made geohazards
  • Providing training materials, case studies and organising field trips for the application of theoretical concepts to the real world
  • Providing opportunities for dialogue and networking between all participants, trainees and trainers, Europeans and Africans, building relationships at individual, national and continental levels

WP-E is led by LGT (Lithuania) in cooperation with ISPRA, PGI-NRI, GeoZS as well as with the technical and scientific support of African Geological Surveys.


Jonas Satkūnas
Geological Survey of Lithuania (LGT)
