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TRAINING // WP D – New Frontiers in Geosciences (Geoheritage and Geothermal Energy)
8 April 2024 - 13 April 2024
Call for Applications: Application is now closed
Download the Call for Application document > HERE <
The call for the next WP-D – New Frontiers in Geosciences (Geoheritage and Geothermal Energy) training is now open. This upcoming training will take place in Lobatse, Botswana, 8-13 April 2024 (IN ENGLISH).
This training is part of the WP-D module “New Frontiers in Geosciences (Geological Heritage and Geothermal Energy)”, which aims to provide theoretical and in-the-field training aimed at integrating the concepts of geodiversity, geological heritage and geoconservation.
This session is co-organised by Botswana Geoscience Institute, the Geological Survey of Poland (PGI-NRI), the Geological Survey of France (BRGM) with the collaboration of UNESCO, the Geological Survey of Spain (IGME-CSIC) and Geological Survey of Italy (ISPRA).
The programme begins with a theoretical part: definitions and concepts; examples of methodologies for identifying, studying and inventorying a site of geological heritage interest (geosite); international legislation and national examples; geoconservation (vulnerability, protection, management plan); enhancement (geotourism, education, round-table discussion on socio-economic issues); international labels (UNESCO World Geopark, IUCN Global Geosites); role of a geological survey in relation to geological heritage; geology and geological heritage in Botswana. The second part of the course is practical and will take place in the vicinity of Lobatse and Gaborone, where participants will apply the concepts studied in the classroom.
At the end of the course, participants will be asked to present a “return to work plan” to set themselves objectives for applying and implementing the knowledge acquired in their organisation (e.g., creation of an inventory methodology, launch of an inventory, study of a specific site, preparation of an application for a label of the Global Geopark type, etc.). The PanAfGeo-2 WP-D – New Frontiers in Geosciences (Geoheritage and Geothermal Energy) training session is open to all persons who are eligible according to the conditions of the “PanAfGeo-2 Charter for Trainee”.
In order to be considered, applicants for the PanAfGeo-2 Training Session entitled WP-D – New Frontiers in Geosciences (Geoheritage and Geothermal Energy) must complete the documents listed hereafter:
– Application Form for the PanAfGeo-2 training session
– Passport Copy (whose validity date is 6 months later than the date of return to the country).
These documents will be requested during the online registration (files to be uploaded in PDF format only on the portal). The applications should be submitted solely on the portal and not be sent directly to the training leaders.
Register here
The deadline for applications is 15 December 2023 at 24:00 GMT (Deadline extended)
For more information about this training session, please contact:
> Prof Stanisław Wołkowicz (PGI-NRI, WP-D Leader) (stanislaw.wolkowicz@pgi.gov.pl);
> Mr Kewame R. Gwandu (BGI, WP-D Co-Leader) (gwanduk@bgi.org.bw);
> Dr. Paulina Kostrz-Sikora (PGI-NRI) (pkos@pgi.gov.pl).